About Fresh Market

Fresh Market is a farm-to-table delivery service, which connects consumers with locally grown, fresh, and high-quality produce directly from farms in Saint Lucia. The service provides consumers with access to a wide range of healthy, affordable, convenient, freshly-harvested produce that is crisp, tasty, and nutritious.

At Fresh Market, we believe that household food security must be part of a strategy to reduce diet-related chronic diseases and assure optimal health. We work primarily at the level of access – one of the pillars of food security –  by reducing the barriers of cost, quality concerns, time constraint, and lack of transportation. Fresh Market aligns with UN SDG2- Zero Hunger, recognizing that food security and nutrition are related to all the SDGs.  

Fresh Market promotes a plant-based or vegetarian diet based on our belief that this diet is in harmony with God’s plan for human health and well-being. In addition, the research evidence demonstrates that persons with plant-based diets have lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, compared to those who eat meat.

We are committed to improving our offers and services and are thankful for our vendors, customers, and all those who have supported, guided, and encouraged us on the journey thus far. 

About the Founder

Cadell Monrose-Forde, the founder of Fresh Market is passionate about helping people access and utilize fresh produce so that they and their households can eat well and be healthy.

She has early memories of following her dad –  an Agricultural Science Teacher –  as he tended to the crops and livestock in their yard – a subsistence farm. He taught her many things, including the importance of assuring household food security as everyone has the right to access good, wholesome food. This left an indelible impression on her.

Years later, in her MPH Epidemiology program, she learned about the inequities in access to healthy, whole foods and their impact on health outcomes. It disturbed her greatly to know that despite understanding dietary recommendations, barriers prevent people from accessing fresh, whole foods. From that moment, a passion was ignited to help people access high-quality fruits, vegetables, and ground provisions in season, at affordable prices